
Scriptography Productions was founded in 2012 to seek training, development, mentoring, commissioning and production opportunities for writers who are writing for performance. It seeks to  provide support to and collaboration with, partners, projects, artists and ideas in order to initiate performance placing writing and writers at its core.

Scriptography productions has produced a new full length play To Kill a Machine by Catrin Fflur Huws which toured Wales, London and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It has also produced three script-in-hand rehearsed readings at Aberystwyth Arts Centre; Beginnings, an evening of short plays, and Town with No Traffic Wardens, a project exploring news and life in a seaside university town, and Playpen, two evenings of 20 minute plays. It also launched a work-in-progress night Crash Test which takes place every three months.

Response Time: Open Space A performed response to Art , Space and Environment Gas Gallery Aberystwyth Jan 12 2014 Scriptography Productions / Celf Ceredigion Art James Baker photo by keith morris ©keith morris 2014 www.artswebwales.com  keith@artx.co.uk  07710 285968 01970 611106

Scriptography Productions also produces Response Time, a performed response to art, space and environment working in art galleries and spaces that exhibit art. It began at the Gas Gallery in Aberystwyth and has since produced responses to Tim Shaw’s Black Smoke Rising at Aberystwyth Arts Centre and the Artes Mundi 6 at National Museum Wales.

Response Time challenges multi-disciplinary and cross art-form performance makers to respond to art in the form of live or digital performance in 48 hours. The focus on the project is providing young and emerging artists the opportunity to develop their performance skills and their practice alongside more experienced performance makers in a supportive and creative framework.

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